Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jeez, I can't believe I've left it this long.

Jeez, I can't believe I've ...... Oh hold on, you've just read that. Message to self....stop repeating yourself.
But, it has been awhile and a lot has changed with the station. First of all, we've moved. No longer do we transmit from the top floor of Dot's Pantry in Torquay, but now we're Paignton above the Pad. I'll add the address on the next entry.
We have been off air since 21st July 2013, due to the extensive work being done on the new studio and the various problems that arise from a refit, but we are going to back on air on Dec 9th. YESSSSSSS.
Riviera Country's first show will be 3.00 - 5.00 pm on Friday the 13th......Gulp......NO NO NO I don't believe it's gonna be unlucky. With all the great country music to be played, how can it possibly be unlucky. The Sunday show is back on Dec 15th from 5.00 - 7.00 pm, and this will be the usual UK only show.
A new bit of kit we are going to have is the ability to record each and every show, so I'm hoping to be able to put the shows on this blog page for those who miss the original. I'm also planning on putting the playlists from each show on here as well, plus news from the local CMC's, festivals and weekenders we get in the area. All in all someone is going to be busy.
Anyway that's taster of what's to come, so make a note of this page and come back regularly.

Riviera County